HEALTHY RECIPES-Chicken Francese


  • 3 tó 4 bóneless and skinless chicken breasts abóut 14 óz. tó 16 óz. tótal
  • 1 cup flóur fór dredging (yóu'll alsó need 2 tablespóón óf the flóur mixture later fór the sauce...but we'll get tó that later in the instructións).
  • Kósher salt
  • Freshly gróund black pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic pówder
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp Parmesangrated
  • 4 tbsp fresh parsleychópped (divided...2 tablespóóns fór batter, 2 fór garnish)
  • 4 tbsp ólive óildivided...2 tablespóóns fór sautéing the chicken, and then 2 móre fór the sauce
  • 4 tablespóónsunsalted butterdivided...2 fór sautéing the chicken, 2 fór the sauce
  • 4 garlic clóvesminced
  • 1/4 teaspóón red pepper flakes móre, tó taste
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine ie, Pinó Grigió
  • 1 1/4 cups chicken stóck
  • Juice óf twó fresh lemóns abóut 4 tablespóóns


  1. Place the chicken (óne at a time) in a large freezer bag, and using the side óf a meat tenderizer, póund the chicken tó 1/8" tó 1/4" in thickness.
  2. Cut each póunded chicken piece intó halves, ór thirds. Set aside.
  3. Póur the flóur óntó a platter ór plate. Add 1/2 teaspóón óf salt, 1/2 teaspóón óf pepper and the 1 teaspóón óf garlic pówder. Gently mix tógether with a fórk. Remóve 2 tablespóóns tó use later fór the sauce.
  4. In a secónd small/medium-sized bówl, mix tógether the eggs, Parmesan, 2 tablespóóns óf the parsley, and a pinch óf salt and pepper.
  5. Dredge each chicken cutlet in the flóur mixture and then dip intó egg mixture, fully cóating.
  6. Heat óil óver medium heat in a large skillet. After the óil has heated, add 2 tablespóóns óf the butter.
  7. Place the cóated chicken intó the hót skillet, 2 at a time.
  8. Cóók fór 3 tó 4 minutes, until nicely brówned ón the bóttóm.
  9. Flip and cóók the óther side until cómpletely cóóked thróugh and nicely brówned, abóut anóther 3 - 4 minutes.
  10. Remóve fróm the pan and repeat with remaining chicken. (Cóóked cutlets can be made 1 tó 2 hóurs ahead óf time. Re-heat in (350 F) óven 15 minutes befóre serving, ór keep warm in óven (220 F) until ready tó use.
  11. In the same skillet, add the remaining 2 tablespóóns óf óil óver medium heat.
  12. Add garlic and crushed red pepper, cóók until sóft, abóut 3 minutes.
  13. Add the reserved 2 tablespóóns óf seasóned flóur, and mix cómpletely. Add anóther tablespóón óf flóur if tóó wet, shóuld resemble wet sand. Stir and let cóók fór abóut 1 tó 2 minutes (dón't let it get dark brówn).
  14. Add white wine and chicken stóck and bring tó a bóil. Reduce the heat.
  15. Add the lemón juice. Stir until slightly thickened.
  16. Seasón with a healthy pinch óf salt and pepper.
  17. Remóve the pan fróm the heat and stir in remaining 2 tablespóóns óf butter. Stir until melted.
  18. Taste and adjust seasónings, if necessary.
  19. Place cutlets ón plates, ór platter, and póur sauce óver the tóp.
  20. Garnish with remaining parsley.
  21. Enjóy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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