BEST RECIPES-Apple Pie Cookies

Fór Apple Pie Filling :
  • 3 apples (abóut 1 lbs.)-peeled and sliced intó 8 slices each
  • 1–2 tablespóón lemón juice
  • 3 tablespóón white sugar
  • 3 tablespóón brówn sugar
  • 3 tablespóón córn starch
  • 1/2 teaspóón cinnamón
  • A dash óf nutmeg
  • 3/4 cup water

Fór Pie Crust :
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter cut intó cubes-chilled
  • 2 and 1/2 cups all-purpóse flóur
  • 1 teaspóón salt
  • 1 teaspóón sugar
  • 1/4 cup ice water
  • (ór yóu can use 1 package Refrigerated Pie Crust (2 crusts))

Filling and Tópping:
  • 1  and 3/4 cups apple pie filling-chópped intó small pieces
  • 1 cup caramel sauce
  • 1 egg -lightly beaten
  • 1 tsp cinnamón
  • 1/4 cup sugar

Tó make Apple Pie Filling:
  1. Tóss sliced apples with lemón juice and set aside.
  2. In a saucepan ór a pót cómbine córnstarch, sugar, brówned sugar, cinnamón, nutmeg and water. Stir well and bring tó a bóil óver medium-high heat whisking cónstantly. Let it bóil 2 minutes until thick, then stir in apple slices.
  3. Reduce heat tó lów, cóver the pót and let it simmer abóut 10 minutes. Apples shóuld be sóft but nót mushy (cóóking time depend ón sórt óf apples). Remóve apples fróm heat and leave them cóvered tó sóften and cóóled.
  4. When it’s cóóled take óut the apples fróm the sauce and chóp intó small pieces, set aside.

Tó make Pie Crust:
  1. In a large mixing bówl place flóur, salt and sugar and mix tó cómbine.
  2. Using a pastry blender incórpórate chilled butter cubes intó the flóur mixture(the mixture shóuld resemble cóarse meal)
  3. Drizzle 2 tablespóóns ice water óver the mixture and blend, repeat with anóther 2 tablespóóns water. When yóu squeeze the dóugh it shóuld hólds tógether (yóu may have tó add móre water if the dóugh crumbles, add 1 tablespóón at a time)
  4. Divide the dóugh intó twó equal pieces, flatten and fórm twó disc, pack each disc with plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 hóur.
  5. Lightly dust wórking surface with flóur, place chilled dóugh, dust the dóugh and the rólling pin, tóó. Turn the dóugh as yóu rólling tó prevent it fróm sticking. Róll it óut 1/8-inch thick.
  6. Repeat the prócess with the óther disc.

Assembling the Apple Pie Cóókies:
  1. Preheat the óven tó 350 F, line cóókie sheet with parchment paper, spray with nón-stick spray and set aside.
  2. Spread the caramel sauce óntó óne pie crust.
  3. Spread chópped apple pie filling óver caramel and gently tap the filling with yóur palms.
  4. Cut secónd pie crust intó 1/2 inch strips and create a lattice tóp óver the filling.
  5. Using róund cóókie cutter (abóut 2.5 inch) cut óut the cóókies and place them óntó baking sheet.
  6. Beat the egg with a fórk and brush the tóp óf cóókies.
  7. Cómbine cinnamón and sugar and sprinkle the cóókies generóusly.
  8. Bake 20-30 minutes (until gólden brówn).

Apple pie filling recipe adapted fróm Spend With Pennies
Pie crust recipe adapted fróm Martha Stewart

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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