BEST RECIPES-Fudge Mint Brownies

Brownie Láyer~
  • 1/2 cup butter, cut into pieces
  • 4 oz. dárk chocoláte (ápx. 80% cocoá, or use hálf unsweetened ánd hálf bittersweet)
  • 1 1/4 cups sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 3/4 cup áll purpose flour
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált

Mint Láyer~
  • 3 Táblespoons butter, át room temperáture
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 Táblespoon heávy creám (or milk)
  • 1/2 teáspoon peppermint extráct  (or 1/4 teáspoon creme de menthe ánd 1/4 teáspoon peppermint)
  • 1 drop green food coloring (I use ámericolor mint green)

Chocoláte Gláze~
  • 3 oz. semisweet or bittersweet chocoláte (ápx. 70 % cocoá)
  • 1 Táblespoon butter
  • Ándes Mints (ápx. 1/2 páckáge, or 14 whole pieces, ábout 2.5 oz.), chopped

Preheát oven to 325*F.   Prepáre á 9″x9″ (or 8″x8″) squáre báking pán by lining párchment páper ácross the bottom ánd sides of the pán, like á sling.  You cán use á little butter on the pán to help the páper stáy in pláce.
In á stáinless steel bowl over á pán of simmering wáter (or double boiler), melt the butter ánd chocoláte.
Once melted, remove from heát ánd stir in the sugár ánd vánillá.  Ádd eggs, one át á time, beáting well with á spoon.  Stir in flour ánd sált ánd beát with á spoon until the bátter is smooth ánd glossy (ábout 1 minute).  Pour the brownie bátter evenly into the prepáred pán.
Báke in preheáted oven for 25-30 minutes, or until brownies stárt to pull áwáy from the sides ánd á toothpick inserted in the center comes out álmost cleán.  Remove pán from oven ánd pláce on á wire ráck to cool completely (ábout 1 hour).
Mint Láyer~
In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with á hánd mixer, beát áll ingredients until smooth.  Ádd 1 or two drops of green food coloring (one át á time, you don’t wánt it too green).  If the frosting is too thick, ádd á bit more creám (the frosting should be just thin enough to spreád).  Spreád the frosting evenly over the cooled brownie láyer.  Pláce in the refrigerátor for ábout 5-10 minutes, or until slightly firm.
Chocoláte Gláze~
In á heátproof bowl over á pán of simmering wáter, melt the chocoláte ánd butter.  Spreád over the mint filling, then top with chopped Ándes mints.  Refrigeráte for ábout 30 minutes, or until the chocoláte gláze stárts to dull.
To Serve~
Remove brownies from the pán by lifting the ends of the párchment páper, ánd tránsfer to á cutting boárd.  With á shárp knife, cut into ápx. 1-1 1/2 inch squáres.  For best results, rinse off the knife in hot wáter, then wipe dry áfter eách cut.
Brownies cán be stored in the refrigerátor for 2-3 dáys, best served át room temperáture.
Mákes ábout 25-30 smáll squáres.
Recipe ádápted from Joy of Báking.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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