BEST RECIPES-Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars

  • 2 pkgs refrigerated crescent rólls
  • 2 pkgs (8 óz each) cream cheese, sóftened tó róóm temperature
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, melted
  • ¾ cup cinnamón sugar

  1. Preheat óven tó 350 degrees F. Liberally grease a 13x9" baking pan with cóóking spray and set aside.
  2. Lay óne róll óf crescent rólls dówn in a single layer ón the bóttóm óf the pan, pinching tógether any seams tó seal and stretching tó fit the pan. Set aside.
  3. Meanwhile, with an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese, white sugar and vanilla until cómbined. Spread the mixture evenly óver tóp óf the first crescent róll layer.
  4. Unróll the óther crescent róll sheet óntó a cutting bóard and pinch the seams tógether tó seal, lightly stretching it óut as yóu gó. Pick it up and carefully lay it óver tóp óf the cheesecake filling, cóvering it cómpletely. Póur the melted butter evenly óver the tóp, and evenly sprinkle the cinnamón sugar ón tóp.
  5. Bake fór appróx. 30 minutes, then let cóól cómpletely befóre chilling in the fridge. Stóre bars cóvered in the fridge.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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