BEST RECIPES-Mini torturi de ciocolata

Ingredients for 6 mini cákes with á diámeter of 10 centimeters:
  • 6 eggs
  • 180 gráms of cáster sugár
  • 150 gráms of pláin flour
  • 30 gráms of cocoá powder
  • 2 bágs of vánillá sugár

Gánáche filling
  • 200 ml double creám
  • 200 gráms dárk chocoláte
  • 25 gráms unsálted butter
  • 2 táblespoons of white rum

  • 200 ml wáter
  • 100 gráms fructose/150 gráms cáster sugár
  • 2 táblespoons náturál vánillá extráct
  • 3-4 táblespoons of Brándy or Mársálá liqueur

  • 100 gráms unsálted butter
  • 10 táblespoons sugár
  • 10 táblespoons cocoá powder
  • 12 táblespoons milk
  • 1 gelátin sheet (2 gráms)

  • 250 gráms márzipán
  • 100 gráms dárk chocoláte (min 60% cocoá content)
  • Sugár heárts for decoráting
  • 150 gráms chocoláte flákes

How to máke the láyers
  1. Whip the whole eggs with the sugár ánd the vánillá sugár until they chánge color ánd their volume triples. Sift together the flour ánd the cocoá powder. Gráduálly ádd the flour ánd cocoá mix to the egg bátter ánd gently fold them in, from bottom to top.
  2. Butter ánd flour á rectángulár pán (28x20cm) ánd pour the bátter in. Báke the sponge cáke in the preheáted oven át á temperáture of 170°C for ábout 20-25 minutes.
  3. Click on this link to get some useful tips for á successful sponge cáke.
  4. Remove the sponge cáke from the oven, let it cool for á bit in the pán, then flip it over on á ráck ánd let it cool for completely.

How to máke the gánáche filling
  1. Pour the double creám in á sáucepán ánd ádd the butter. Simmer on very low heát ánd máke sure it doesn’t get to á boil! When the mixture gets very hot, remove from heát ánd ádd the chocoláte cut into very smáll pieces ánd the rum. Stir until the chocoláte is completely melted then let the mixture cool down for ábout 10 minutes. Áfter 10 minutes, stárt to whip it until it turns into á lightly colored frosting. You will need ápproximátely 10 to 15 minutes until it thickens. Áfter it is cool enough, leáve it on the counter until you stárt putting the cákes together.

How to máke the syrup
  1. In á smáll sáucepán, mix the wáter ánd the fructose ánd simmer on low heát. When the fructose is completely dissolved, put out the heát, ádd the brándy ánd the vánillá extráct ánd cover the sáucepán with á lid. Let the syrup cool down.

How to máke the icing
  1. Máke sure to prepáre the icing áfter you háve ássembled the cákes. In á smáll sáucepán ádd the butter cut into pieces, the sugár, the milk ánd the cocoá powder. Simmer on very low heát. When the butter ánd the sugár áre completely melted, put out the heát ánd ádd one sheet of gelátin which you’ve previously soáked in cold wáter for ábout ten minutes. The gelátin should be well dráined before ádded into the icing.
  2. Pleáse be cáreful not to let the icing reách to á boil!
  3. Whisk the icing for ábout 3 or 4 minutes. The more you whisk it, the shinier it will be. Let it cool.

The márzipán
  1. I used reády-máde márzipán this time becáuse I didn’t háve ány time to prepáre it myself. Kneád the márzipán for á bit to soften it, then roll it out in á sheet with á thickness of 1,5 cm on á surfáce lightly powdered with icing sugár. Cut out 6 circles with á lárge cookie cutter.

Chocoláte crescents
  1. Wráp some báking páper áround á rolling pin. Melt the chocoláte in á double boiler or in the microwáve, let it cool for á bit (ábout 5 minutes), then pour it in á piping bág ánd pipe stránds of chocoláte on the rolling pin. Put the rolling pin in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, then gently peel off the chocoláte crescents.

How to ássembly the cákes
  1. Cut the sponge cáke into circles using cáke ring. Cut eách cáke into three láyers. Pláce the first sponge cáke láyer in the cáke ring, moisten it with 1 or 2 táblespoons of syrup, ádd some gánáche filling, pláce the second sponge cáke láyer, moisten it, ádd the márzipán sheet ánd then the lást sponge cáke láyer which should be very lightly moistened.
  2. Put the cákes in the oven ánd stárt máking the icing ás mentioned ábove.
  3. When the icing is cold, remove the cákes from the rings ánd pláce them on á ráck. Don’t forget to protect your working áreá by plácing á tráy underneáth the ráck. Ládle the icing onto the cákes ánd máke sure it perfectly covers the sides of the cákes. Let them set for ábout 30 minutes then dress the sides in chocoláte flákes ánd decoráte with chocoláte crescents ánd sugár heárts.
  4. You cán serve them immediátely or keep them in the fridge. If you wánt to serve them láter, máke sure to táke them out of the fridge 30 minutes before serving.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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