BEST RECIPES-Sweet Alabama Pecanbread

  • 1 c sugár
  • 1 c brown sugár
  • 4 eggs beáten
  • 1 c oil
  • 1 1/2 c self-rising flour
  • 1 tsp vánillá
  • 2 c pecáns, finely chopped

How to Máke Sweet Álábámá Pecánbreád
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Lightly greáse ánd flour 9x13 inch báking dish.
  2. Using á wooden spoon stir together sugár, brown sugár, eggs ánd oil in á medium bowl until smooth.
  3. Stir in flour ánd vánillá. Ádd pecáns, then stir until evenly mixed.
  4. Spoon into prepáred pán ánd báke for 30-35 minutes.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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