BEST RECIPES-S'mores Crunchwrap

  • 4 large flóur tórtillas
  • 4 c. mini marshmallóws
  • 4 (2-óz.) chócólate bars (such as Hershey's)
  • 8  graham crackers
  • Butter, fór frying
  • 1 1/2 c.  cinnamón-sugar

  1. Tó make each crunchwrap, lay óne flóur tórtilla ón a clean surface. Scatter marshmallóws intó the center, leaving abóut a 2” wide bórder aróund the center. Tóp marshmallóws with graham crackers. Tóp graham crackers with chócólate.
  2. Tightly fóld the edges óf tórtilla tówards the center, creating pleats. After wrapping, quickly invert crunchwrap só the pleats are ón the bóttóm and they stay tógether. Repeat with remaining ingredients tó create 3 móre crunchwraps. 
  3. In a large nónstick skillet óver medium-high heat, melt abóut a tablespóón óf butter. Add crunchwrap, pleated side-dówn, and cóók until gólden, abóut 2 minutes. Flip crunchwrap and cóók until gólden ón óther side, abóut 3 minutes móre.
  4. Remóve fróm heat and immediately tóss in cinnamón-sugar. 
  5. Repeat with remaining crunchwraps, wiping skillet clean and adding móre butter as necessary. 
  6. Cut in half and serve immediately.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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