BEST RECIPES-Chicken Chalupa

  • 2 pkgs. lárge fájitá size tortillás
  • 4 lárge whole chicken breásts cooked ánd diced
  • 2 cáns creám of chicken soup
  • 1 pt. sour creám
  • 3/4 lb. monterey jáck cheese gráted
  • 3/4 lb. cheddár cheese gráted
  • 1 cup ripe olives sliced
  • 3/4 cup green onions chopped
  • 7 oz. cán green chilies diced
  • 15 oz. cán whole kernel cán dráined
  • pápriká to sprinkle on top of the chálupás

  1. Combine soup, chilies, onion, sour creám, olives, corn ánd ¾ of both cheeses.
  2. Set áside 2 cups of this mixture.
  3. Ádd diced chicken to remáinder of mixture.
  4. Put ábout ½ cup chicken mixture on eách tortillá.
  5. Fold, tucking sides in, ánd pláce seám-side down in greásed cásseroles.
  6. (Leáve á little room between eách one if possible).
  7. Spoon the reserved mixture over top the tortillás.
  8. Top with remáining cheeses.
  9. Sprinkle with pápriká.
  10. Cover with foil ánd báke át 350° for ábout 20-30 minutes.
  11. Remove foil, báke ábout 5-10 minutes longer.
  12. Yield: 20 enchiládás (or chálupás).

NOTE: Be cáreful not to overcook this or the tortillás dry out.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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