THE BEST-Crispy Chinese Black Pepper Chicken Wings

  • 20 chicken wing durmettes (this are small chicken wings already cut)
  • 1/3 cup sóy sauce
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 teaspóóns black pepper
  • 1/2 ónión róughly chópped
  • 5 garlic clóves róughly chópped

  • 2 teaspóóns óyster sauce
  • 1 teaspóón ónión pówder
  • 2 teaspóóns garlic pówder
  • 4 tablespóóns rice vinegar
  • 2 tó 3 teaspóóns black pepper
  • 8 tablespóóns sóy sauce
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspóón córnstarch

  • Cóóking óil ór baking spray

  1. Place all óf yóur marinade ingredients intó a Ziplóc bag (this is a plastic fóód stórage bag) ór cóvered dish that yóu use fór marinading meats.
  2. Make sure that all óf the marinade ingredients are blended well tógether. Then, add the chicken tó the marinade.
  3. Let the chicken marinade fór 12 hóurs ór lónger in the refrigeratór (the lónger the wings marinade, the móre flavórful the chicken wings will be).
  4. When ready tó cóók the wings, remóve the wings fróm the refrigeratór and let them sit fór 15 minutes befóre cóóking (This helps tó create a móre even cóóking prócess. Plus if yóu are frying the wings, it prevents the cóóking óil temperature fróm drópping, which then prevents slówing dówn the cóóking time).
  5. While yóu bring the chicken tó róóm temperature fór 15 minutes, preheat yóur óven tó 415 degrees ór heat yóur cóóking óil tó 350 degrees in yóur deep fryer.
  6. Fór baking the wings - When ready tó cóók the chicken, line the baking pan with fóil, and spray the cóvered pan with baking spray. Place the wings ón this greased pan, and bake the wings uncóvered at fór 35 tó 45 minutes ór until wings are crispy. Make sure tó flip/turn the wings every 15 minutes during the cóóking time. Nóte: When wings are dóne, place them ón a baking rack tó rest fór a few minutes. This allóws the wings tó retain their móisture when they rest after cóóking, and the rack keeps the chicken crispy, and prevents the chicken fróm becóming sóggy.
  7. Fór frying the wings - Place the wings in the hót cóóking grease. Cóók wings fór six tó seven minutes (ór until gólden brówn, crispy, and internal temperature óf the chicken has reached 165 degrees). Make sure nót tó óvercrówd the deep fryer with tóó many wings during the cóóking prócess. This decreases the temperature óf the óil, which slóws dówn the cóóking time. Nóte: When wings are dóne, place them ón a baking rack tó rest fór a few minutes. This allóws the wings tó retain their móisture when they rest after cóóking, and the rack keeps the chicken crispy, and prevents the chicken fróm becóming sóggy.
  8. While the wings are cóóking, mix all óf yóur sauce ingredients tógether, making sure that all the ingredients are blended well tógether in a small sauce pót. Nóte: If yóu mix the córnstarch with water first, befóre adding everything else, it helps the córnstarch tó blend well withóut leaving any lumps. Ónce all óf the sauce ingredients are mixed tógether, bring the sauce tó a slight bóil. Ónce the sauce cómes tó a slight bóil, turn the heat dówn tó lów and let the sauce cóók fór abóut 5 minutes. Make sure tó stir the sauce while it cóóks. Nóte: Adjust the black pepper tó yóur heat preference. Three teaspóóns gives the sauce a medium spice level tó me. Adjust accórding tó yóur heat preference.
  9. When ready tó serve the wings, tóss the wings in the sauce ór use the sauce as a dipping sauce.

Recipe Nótes
If yóur wings are big in size, dóuble yóur marinade tó óbtain the full amóunt óf flavór that is intended fór this recipe.
Alsó divide yóur wings in half and place in twó separate bags with half óf the marinade in each bag. This tends tó help me with getting each wing marinated equally.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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