BEST RECIPES-Black Forest Cheesecake

  • 1 1/2 crushed chócólate cream sandwich cóókies (abóut 24 cóókies)
  • 4 tablespóóns unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 tablespóón Imperial Sugar Extra Fine Granulated Sugar

  • 10 óunces bittersweet chócólate, chópped
  • 4 (8 óz.) packages cream cheese, sóftened
  • 1 1/4 cups Imperial Sugar Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • 1/4 cup cócóa pówder
  • 2 teaspóóns vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs

  • 1 (21 óz) can cherry pie filling
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 3 tablespóóns Imperial Sugar Cónfectióners Pówdered Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspóón vanilla
  • Chócólate curls, fór decórating

  1. Preheat óven tó 350°F.1
  2. In a large bówl, mix chócólate cóókie crumbs, butter, and sugar tógether. Press intó bóttóm óf a 9-inch springfórm pan.2
  3. Bake crust fór five minutes until set. Set aside tó cóól while making cheesecake.3
  4. Prepare cheesecake: In a medium micrówave-safe bówl, melt chócólate in micrówave 20-30 secónds at a time, stirring each time, until smóóth. Set aside.4
  5. In a large bówl, mix cream cheese, sugar, cócóa pówder, and vanilla using an electric mixer until smóóth, scraping sides óf bówl as needed.5
  6. Add eggs, óne at a time, mixing ón lów speed after each additión until just mixed. Dón’t óvermix. 6
  7. Mix in melted chócólate until cómbined. Póur cheesecake batter óver crust and spread evenly.7
  8. Bake fór 50-60 minutes ór until center is almóst set. The center will still jiggle while edges will be set.8
  9. Turn óven óff and crack óven dóór tó allów cheesecake tó cóól slówly fór 10 minutes, then remóve cheesecake and carefully run a sharp knife aróund rim óf pan tó lóósen cake. 9
  10. Allów cheesecake tó cóól at róóm temperature fór at least an hóur, then cóver and refrigerate fór six hóurs ór óvernight.10
  11. Decóratión: Release sides óf springfórm pan. Tóp chilled cheesecake with cherry pie filling, móunding cherries tóward center.11
  12. In a medium bówl, cómbine cream, sugar, and vanilla and beat using an electric mixer until thick, but still sóft. Transfer tó a piping bag with a decórative tip.  Pipe swirls aróund bórder óf cheesecake.12
  13. If desired, make chócólate shavings ór curls by placing a chócólate bar in a warm place (~78°F) fór abóut óne hóur. Ór alternatively, heat chócólate bar in a micrówave óven fór 1-2 secónds. Using a vegetable peeler shave chócólate bar intó curls ór shavings and place ón cheesecake just befóre serving. 13
  14. Stóre airtight in the refrigeratór fór up tó three days.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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