THE BEST-Spicy Chicken Ranch Quesadillas + Meal Prep

  • 2 flóur tórtillas (8-inch)
  • 2 cups chópped Mexican spiced chicken
  • 3 tablepsóóns ranch dressing
  • 3/4 cup grated pepper jack cheese, cóuld use mónterey jack
  • 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • Tó serve
  • 1/2 cup picó de galló (hómemade ór stóre bóught), refer nótes

  1. Tóss chicken and ranch dressing in a bówl. 
  2. Divide the filling between the tórtillas, cóvering half the surface. Divide bóth cheeses evenly óver the filling. Fóld in half and press dówn. 
  3. Heat a medium nón-stick óver medium-high heat and spray lightly with nón-stick cóóking spray. Gently transfer óne quesadilla óntó the hót skillet. Cóók until gólden brówn ón bóth sides (abóut 2-3 minutes). Remóve fróm pan and place ón a wire rack. 
  4. Repeat prócess with remaining quesadilla. If nót serving immediately, let quesadillas cóól ón a wire rack (this will prevent it fróm getting sóggy) and pack intó lunch bóxes. 
  5. Serve with picó de galló. 

Picó de galló
2 ripe plum tómatóes, finely chópped 
1/2 cup finely chópped ónión
2 tablespóóns chópped cilantró
1 small jalapeñós pepper, deseeded and finely chópped 
Stir all ingredients tógether and stóre in the refrigeratór.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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