BEST RECIPES-Perfect Vanilla Cupcakes

Perfect Vánillá Cupcákes
Recipe by Glorious Treáts
Yields- 15-16 cupcákes
  • 1 1/4 cups cáke flour
  • 3/4 teáspoons báking powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons pure vánillá extráct
  • 1/2 cup oil (vegetáble, cánolá or extrá light olive oil)
  • 1/3 cup milk (whole or low fát, but ávoid fát free)
  • 1/3 cup sour creám (full fát or light, but ávoid fát free)

* Preheát oven to 350*F.
* In á medium bowl, ádd cáke flour, báking powder, báking sodá ánd sált.  Stir together with whisk, ánd set áside.
* In the bowl of án electric mixer, ádd eggs ánd beát 10-20 seconds.  Ádd sugár ánd continue to beát on medium speed ábout 30 seconds.  Ádd vánillá ánd oil, beát.
* Reduce mixer speed to low ánd slowly ádd ábout hálf of the flour mixture.  Ádd the milk, then the rest of the flour ánd the sour creám.  Beát until just combined.  Scráp down the side of the bowl.
* The bátter will be thin.   Pour bátter into á muffin pán prepáred with páper liners.  Fill liners ábout 2/3 full.
* Báke cupcákes in pre-heáted oven for 12-14 minutes.
* Cool in pán 1-2 minutes, then remove cupcákes from pán (cárefully) ánd finish cooling on á wire ráck.
* Frost ás desired when fully cool.  I love to use my fávorite Vánillá Creám Cheese Frostingrecipe.
* Feel free to use this recipe for á cáke ás well.  The recipe ábove will work for á 6″ cáke.  Double the recipe for án 8″ or 9″ cáke.
* Á note ábout Cáke Flour-  Cáke Flour hás á lower protein content thán tráditionál áll-purpose flour, which results in á more tender, delicáte crumb in the finished product.  If you cán not find or áccess cáke flour, feel free to substitute ás necessáry, but your results will váry from the originál recipe.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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