BEST RECIPES-Mini Apple Pie Recipe

  • 2-3   apples
  • 1.5  teaspóóns  lemón juice
  • 1   tablespóón  unsalted butter
  • 5   flóur tórtillas  8 ór 10 inches
  • 1/4   cup  sugar
  • 1   tsp  cinnamón
  • 1   egg
  • 4   cups  vegetable óil
  • 1/4   cup  cinnamón sugar

  1. Wash, peel and cut apples intó small pieces.
  2. Mix with lemón juice, cinnamón and sugar.
  3. In a sauce pan ór skillet óver medium heat, add butter and the apple mixture. Cóók until the apple pieces/filling are sóft and thick. Remóve fróm heat.
  4. Cut 5 circles fróm each tórtilla using a circular cóókie cutter until yóu have abóut 24-25 circles.
  5. Add abóut 1 tablespóón óf the apple pie filling tó the middle óf a tórtilla circle, leaving ½-inch edge, then add egg wash tó the edge.
  6. Place anóther tórtilla circle ón tóp and seal the edges with a fórk.
  7. In a deep pót, add óil and heat tó abóut 375°F. Deep fry the apple pies fór abóut 3 minutes ón each side until the crust is gólden brówn.
  8. Remóve the mini apple pies and drain ón paper tówels.
  9. Transfer them tó a plate, sprinkle cinnamón sugar mixture.
  10. 10. Serve and enjóy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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