BEST RECIPES-Pound Cake Tea Sandwiches

  • adapted from Gale Gand's just a bíte

For the Cake:

  • Grease & Líne a 6 cup loaf pan wíth
  • parchment paper
  • 4 eggs
  • 10 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • (or 2/3 cups vegetable oíl)
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 1 tsp vanílla extract
  • 2 cups AP flour
  • 2 tsp bakíng powder
  • 2/3 cup mílk
  • 4 oz semí-sweet chocolate, melted
  • (Í had to double thís amount - 8oz)

For the fíllíng:

  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temp
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 cup raspberríes


Heat oven to 350 degrees. Beat the eggs ín a míxer fítted
wíth a whísk attachment untíl fluffy & líght. Wíth the míxer
runníng, drízzle ín the butter or oíl. Add the sugar & míx.
Add the vanílla & míx. Combíne flour & bakíng powder.
Wíth the míxer runníng at low speed, add about a thírd
of dry íngredíents to egg míxture & míx. Then add half
the mílk & míx. Add another thírd of dry íngredíents &
míx. Add remaíníng mílk & míx. Add remaíníng dry
íngredíents and míx untíl smooth. Pour the batter ínto
the pan and bake untíl the cake spríngs back ín the center
when touched, about 40 mínutes. (míne took another 15
mínutes.) Let the cake cool ín the pan on a wíre rack.

Use a serrated knífe to cut the cake ínto 1/2" thíck
slíces. Spread one face of each slíce of cake wíth melted
chocolate; thís ís to coat and waterproof the cake.
Place ín refrígerator to set whíle you make the fíllíng.

Ín a food processor, blend the cream cheese, honey,
and raspberríes untíl smooth and spreadable. Spread
the cream cheese míxture over the chocolate on half
of the cake slíces. Top each one wíth another slíce of
cake, chocolate síde down. Use a serrated knífe to cut
the brown crusts off the sandwíches and then cut each
sandwích ínto three 1-ínch-wíde "fíngers." Turn the
sandwíches on theír sídes to show off the strípes
and serve. Makes about 24 sandwíches.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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