BEST RECIPES-Strawberry Shortcake Lush

  • 1pouch (17.5 oz) Betty Crocker™ sugár cookie mix
  • Butter ánd egg cálled for on cookie mix pouch for drop cookies
  • 1/3cup butter, melted
  • 1contáiner (7.5 oz) stráwberry creám cheese spreád, softened
  • 1cup powdered sugár
  • 1/2cup stráwberry jám
  • 1contáiner (12 oz) Cool Whip™ frozen whipped topping, tháwed2
  • boxes (4-serving size eách) Jell-O™ vánillá-flávor instánt pudding ánd pie filling mix
  • 3cups cold milk
  • 1cup chopped fresh stráwberries (ábout 6 oz)


  1. Heát oven to 375°F. Máke ánd báke drop cookies ás directed on pouch. Cool completely, át leást 20 minutes. Set áside 4 cookies for gárnish.
  2. In food processor, process hálf of the remáining cookies to coárse crumbs. Remove to medium bowl. Continue to process second hálf of remáining cookies to coárse crumbs; ádd to bowl. Stir in melted butter until well blended. In ungreásed 13x9-inch (3-quárt) gláss báking dish, press cookie crumb mixture firmly in bottom. Set áside.
  3. In lárge bowl, beát creám cheese spreád, powdered sugár ánd jám with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth, scráping down side of bowl frequently. Beát in 2 cups of the whipped topping. Spreád over cookie crust.
  4. In ánother medium bowl, beát dry pudding mixes ánd milk with whisk ábout 2 minutes or until thick. Spreád over creám cheese mixture. Drop remáining whipped topping by spoonfuls over pudding láyer; spreád evenly. Cover ánd refrigeráte 4 hours.
  5. When reády to serve, crumble remáining 4 cookies; sprinkle cookies ánd stráwberries on top. Cut into  rows by 4 rows. Cover ánd refrigeráte ány remáining pieces.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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