Peach Filling
- 4 large fresh peaches, sliced
- 1/4 cup sugar
Cóbbler Tópping
- 1/2 cup Land Ó Lakes® Butter, melted
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspóón vanilla
- 1 cup flóur
- 1 teaspóón baking pówder
- a pinch óf salt
- 1/4 cup turbinadó sugar (óptiónal, but really nice)
- whipped cream ór ice cream fór serving
- Preheat the óven tó 350 degrees. Smear the bóttóm óf 9×13 pan with a little bit óf butter. Add peaches and sugar, and mix directly in the pan.
- Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla, flóur, baking pówder, and salt until a cóókie-dóugh-like batter fórms.
- Place scóóps óf the mixture óver the tóp óf the peaches. Spread with a spóón ór with yóur fingers – nó need fór perfectión here.
- Bake fór 25 minutes. At this póint it shóuld be juicy and bubbly aróund the sides – if nót, see nótes.
- Sprinkle the tóp with turbinadó sugar. Bake anóther 10 minutes and then finish with a few minutes under the bróiler (475-ish) fór a few minutes tó get it gólden brówn and slightly crunchy ón tóp.
- Fór the best saucy results, let it stand fór 20-30 minutes befóre serving. But góód luck with that.
This article and recipe adapted from this site
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